Leica Thunder를 이용한 Zebrafish Larvae Blood Flow 관찰
- 일반 고속 형광 현미경 이미지와 "Thunder 이미지" 비교
- Zebrafish larvae (72hpf). Blood vessels (green).
- Sample courtesy Dr. Almary Guerra
Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim (Germany).
Zebrafish larvae_72hpf Blood vessels_green.mp4
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Leica Thunder를 이용한 Zebrafish Larvae Blood Flow 관찰
- 일반 고속 형광 현미경 이미지와 "Thunder 이미지" 비교
- Zebrafish larvae (72hpf). Blood vessels (green).
- Sample courtesy Dr. Almary Guerra
Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim (Germany).